How to update Userscripts

This How to guides you through the process of updating already installed Userscripts.

If you’re yet to install any Userscripts, refer to first.

Updating Userscripts manually

1) Open the Userscript Manager Dashboard

First you should access the Userscript Manager Dashboard through your Browser’s extensions menu:

2) Update buttons on the Dashboard

You should see one update button on the upper left corner and a separate update button on each individual Userscript:

Clicking on them should make the Userscript Manager check if there are any more recent versions of the Userscripts and update them automatically on your Browser.

Automatic updates

By default, most Userscript Managers will automatically check and try to update all Userscripts on a daily basis (at least Violentmonkey’s that way).

You may disable these automatic updates or change their frequency on the “Settings” menu on the Userscript Manager’s Dashboard.

Forcing updates to revert local changes

If you got carried away and edited a Userscript that you now want to revert, you can edit it (see and change the @version metadata tag on the beginning of the Script to 0.0.0.

You may then go back to the Dashboard and press the “update all” button. The Userscript shall be replaced by whichever version’s at the location from where you downloaded it.

Blocking Userscript updates

If by any reason you don’t want to have a Userscript updated anymore - though we advise copying it to another Userscript with another name (see again) , you may follow the same procedure as to force the update, above.

Just replace the @version by a high number, like 1000.0.0.