Userscript directory 📚
Here you'll find the directory of Userscripts that compose JAUS and a summary of each. On the respective pages (left-most column) you’ll find more info on each.
If you came here through a direct link, you may want to check the main JAUS page first!
Injects the JAUS Context Button.
When triggered, scans for known check boxes on the screen and checks or unchecks them all.
Pages: AssociateFieldToScreens
Injects the JAUS Context Button.
When triggered, shows a light box to provide data. Upon confirmation, it fires several background requests to Jira and reloads the page after a few seconds.
Pages: ViewStatuses.jspa
Injects the JAUS Context Button.
When triggered (only through the access key) on the create screen for Select List (single or multiple), automatically fills in the options hardcoded
in the Userscript's code.
It’s the only Userscript so far that requires the Admin to edit it before using it.
Pages: ViewCustomFields.jspa
Injects the JAUS Context Button.
When triggered, calls /rest/api/2/cluster/nodes
and for each node, it's respective /rest/api/2/index/summary
and prints everything JSON-formatted in the screen for easy-copying.
Pages: cluster-monitoring
Injects the JAUS Context button.
When triggered, it iterates over all check boxes in the Space Permissions edit page and checks all “view” permissions and clear all others.
Pages: editdefaultspacepermissions
and editdefaultspacepermissions
Injects the JAUS “Bulk Edit RP” button.
When triggered, it shows up a screen for filling in the Request Participant, the action (add or remove) and the JQL that'll bring the issues to be affected.
Pages: /issues/?jql
Injects the JAUS “Clear Field Config” button.
When triggered, it shows a screen to hide or show all available fields in the Field Configuration being configured.
Pages: /ConfigureFieldLayout*