Bulk Option Insert

Bulk Option Insert

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JAUS Bulk Option Insert is a Userscript that bulk inserts hard-coded options on Select List (single and multiple choices) fields when triggered during the custom fieldā€™s creation.

How Bulk Option Insert looks in Violentmonkey once installed.
How Bulk Option Insert looks in Violentmonkey once installed.

Download/installation URL:


Use cases

This Userscript was meant for Admins that need to create a Select List (single or multiple choice) with many values. The Admin must edit the Userscript to fill the desired values:

// Change this list to the desired values! (only works on custom field creation) const jausListBulkOptionInsert = ["Option A", "Option B", "Option C", "Option D", "Option E", "Option F", "...", "Option Z"];

Also remember the Userscript with your changes will get overwritten when a new versionā€™s released.


Currently it only supports the ā€œViewCustomFieldsā€ admin page, which is from where new custom fields are created:

ViewCustomFields page with the JAUS Context Button and options bulk inserted.
ViewCustomFields page with the JAUS Context Button and options bulk inserted.

It also only supports the creation of Select List (single choice) and Select List (multiple choices), both on Cloud and DC/Server.

This Userscript shows the JAUS Context Button already in the ā€œViewCustomFieldsā€ page, but itā€™s only usable through the JAUS Context Button | Access Key ā€œuā€ when on the create box for Select Lists (single and multiple).


JAUS Bulk Option Insert is very little intrusive, basically it:

  1. Tries to find the necessary elements in the page (Jira create button on the top and the check boxes)

  2. If it finds, it injects the JAUS Context Button

  3. Upon pressing the access key ā€œuā€ (because the Context Buttonā€™s blurred), it iterates over the hard-coded options list and fills the ā€œOptionsā€ field and clicks the ā€œAddā€ button each time.

The Admin still needs to create the field by clicking on the ā€œCreateā€ button. JAUS doesnā€™t submit any data to Jira automatically.

Cancelling the custom field creation discards everything performed by JAUS.


JAUS Bulk Option Insertā€™s source code is hosted in BitBucket:


Notice that to download/install we advise the /raw/ URL.


JAUS Bulk Option Insert was suggested by Daiane Conte, SĆ£o Paulo Atlassian Community Leader (Linkedin profile), and implemented by Rodrigo Martinez (Linkedin profile).

It's licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


If you have questions, any problem or need instructions on this Userscriptā€™s usage, please open a request in the JAUS Help Portal.

Please select the Component jaus-bulk-option-insert.


JAUS Bulk Option Insert may be expanded to work on the custom field edition screen.

If youā€™d like to suggest an improvement or new feature to JAUS Bulk Option Insert, please do so through JAUS Help Portal, selecting the component jaus-bulk-option-insertl.

Known issues


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