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JAUS Confluence Set Read Only Space Permissions is a Userscript that scans Confluence’s Space Permission Edit page and toggles all check boxes to make all permissions read-only when triggered.

This Userscript is an “exception” to JAUS, as it’s actually for Confluence. (wink)

Download/installation URL:


Use cases

This Userscript’s meant for Confluence Admins who need to quickly set a Space to read-only or set the default permissions for all Spaces as read-only.


It works on both the “editdefaultspacepermissions.action” and “editspacepermissions.action“ pages, for both Confluence Cloud and DC:

Note the JAUS Context Button will only show up once you click on the Edit Permissions button.


JAUS Confluence Set Read Only Space Permissions is very little intrusive, basically it:

  1. Tries to find the necessary elements in the page (Confluence create button on the top banner)

  2. If it finds, it injects the JAUS Context Button

  3. Upon pressing the JAUS button (or access key “u”), it simply iterates over every checkbox in the page and:

    1. It checks it if it’s name starts with “confluence_checkbox_viewspace_”

    2. Clears the check box otherwise

    3. Ignores the anonymous access checkbox “confluence_checkbox_viewspace_anonymous”

The Admin still needs to save the editions manually. JAUS doesn’t submit the data to Jira automatically, it only checks/clears the check boxes in the screen and doesn’t communicate with the server.

Reloading the page without submitting the data discards everything performed by JAUS.


JAUS Confluence Set Read Only Space Permissions' source code is hosted in BitBucket:


Notice that to download/install we advise the /raw/ URL.


JAUS Confluence Set Read Only Space Permissions was suggested by Rafael Corredor (Linkedin profile) and implemented by Rodrigo Martinez (Linkedin profile).

It's licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


If you have questions, any problem or need instructions on this Userscript’s usage, please open a request in the JAUS Help Portal.

Please select the Component jaus-confluence-set-read-only-permissions.


If you’d like to suggest an improvement or new feature to JAUS Admin Check All, please do so through the JAUS Help Portal, selecting the component jaus-admin-check-all

Known issues
